Odds and Ends

• Happy Birthday to C.S. Lewis who was born on this day in 1898! More on him below.
• Several months ago the HLPC church family was encouraged to consider some way to give sacrificially toward missions. Perhaps, it was suggested, your family could forgo a meal out one night and designate that same money to missions. To that end, we have seen an increase in missions giving! In 2017, HLPC gave over $53,000 toward the work of the gospel- this includes foreign missions as well as other ministries of the Presbyterian Church in America. We also were able to send an additional $500 to each of our missionary families in December which is over and above the budgeted giving. We rejoice in God’s provision through His people!
• This Sunday during our Adult School of Discipleship we will start a three week look into The Life and Theology of C.S. Lewis. My Doctor of Ministry dissertation delved into Lewis and his writings and I would like to share some of the things I learned with you. As a side note, we will not have School of Discipleship on December 24th and 31st- we will only have worship at 10:30 on those days.
• Speaking of this Sunday, it is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is the season of preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Once again, we’ll utilize an advent wreath and I’ll begin a sermon series entitled, “Christmas with the Prophets” focusing on the OT prophecies of the Lord Jesus.
• Lastly, I hope you’ll invite friends and family to our Christmas events especially the Christmas Choir Concert on December 10th and our annual Christmas Eve service. It’s a great time to use such events to reach out to others with the gospel!