On the Receiving End of Communal Grace

Grace makes us gracious. We hear that every week in our Sunday morning worship service. It always comes after our gospel exercise of personal confession and remembrance of the forgiveness that is found only in Christ Jesus. Our own humbling experiences of grace should naturally overflow into attitudes of grace and humility towards those around us. From my vantage point, assisting in leading worship from the platform, it’s always encouraging to look out and see the bustling activity of communal grace which takes place during this special time of worship.


I will be ordained as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America this Sunday at 6:00P. More than anything, I am humbled. Leigh Anne and I have been a part of the congregation at HLPC since January of 2008. In a sense, my ordination is simply the culmination of being on the receiving end of HLPC’s communal grace over the last five and a half years. I’ve said it before and it’s still true. “We love this church.” We love the people of this church. And we are humbled to be a part of a group of people who understand God’s grace and who have acted graciously towards us in so many ways.

Annual Picnic & Fall Cook-Off

Speaking of communal grace… We will all have the opportunity to be on the receiving end (and giving end) of communal grace Saturday, November 2, as we host our Annual Church Picnic & Fall Cook-Off. This is always a great time of fellowship in the life of HLPC. I hope you will join us. As always, we will have a chili cook-off. This year we are adding an apple dessert baking contest! We will have yard games and (hopefully) a bounce house outside. We will end the day around a campfire with singing. Mark your calendars for November 2 and stay tuned for more details.

Bustling activity is often a sign of life. Life is happening at HLPC! Won’t you join us!