Our Ministry on the College Campus

One of the ministries we support is the ministry of Reformed University Fellowship or RUF. RUF is the campus ministry of our denomination, the PCA. Its purpose is to reach students for Christ and to equip them to serve Him. RUF provides a gospel presence on over 140 college campuses. RUF ministries are led on individual campuses by campus ministers who are ordained PCA pastors. Our church prayerfully and financially supports the works of RUF at Mercer University in Macon and at Valdosta State University (VSU). Marlin Harris is the incoming campus minister at Mercer and Chad Turner serves at VSU.
We received a nice, handwritten note from one of the students at VSU named Sarah. Here is what she wrote to us:

My name is Sarah and I am a freshman at Valdosta State. I wanted to take a minute and say thank you for taking time to pray for us and financially give to the mission of RUF at VSU. RUF has been my family and community this year and has taken me under their wing as a freshman. They have shown me the love of Christ and accepted me as I am. Chad Turner has taught me so many things about being a follower of Christ and has opened my eyes to my own sins and how to better love people. If you could pray for me this summer as I go off to Colorado to serve at a Young Life camp called Trail West, that I might contribute to furthering the kingdom of God.

I’m glad we can have a ministry to college students through RUF at VSU, Mercer, and other campuses across the country. God is at work through RUF and this is a strategic ministry. A number of our own members past and present were active in RUF during their college years. HLPC has been blessed by this ministry and we continue to support it joyfully. For more info on RUF please visit www.ruf.org