Dear HLPC family,
It’s good to be “back in the saddle” as the saying goes. After a busy week leading up to the wedding of our youngest son, Matthew, to Mary Ross, Connie and I left last Monday to go to Birmingham, Alabama for the PCA General Assembly. Prior to wedding week was our Vacation Bible School. It’s made for a whirlwind few weeks. I wouldn’t recommend such back to back to back weeks if you can avoid it.
I’m thankful for how things went at General Assembly. Thank you for praying for that meeting. I was very glad two of our Ruling Elders, Michael Collins and Kevin Epperson, also went. Lord willing, we’ll be sending two ruling elders every year to this important gathering. We plan to give an update on the Assembly during School of Discipleship one week in August. In the meantime, you can read a helpful summary of the actions of the General Assembly on the PCA’s byFaith magazine website by clicking HERE.
To give our School of Discipleship teachers a break and realizing this is a month many people are in and out due to vacations, we will not be having School of Discipleship in July. Please join us for prayer at 9:45AM in the fellowship hall and then regular worship at 10:30AM for the next five Sundays.
Lastly, I’ve been asked to provide a video message for the Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) online conference. SRL is the ministry we support as a church that seeks to train indigenous pastors in Latin America and on whose board of directors I joyfully serve. This online conference will be available on YouTube in October. The theme of the conference is “The Church in the World and the World in the Church.” I have been asked to speak on the topic of false teachers and prophets. On Sunday July 17, at 6PM, I’d like to give that talk here at HLPC and want our church family to come as we record it for SRL’s use in the conference. This message will be eventually dubbed over in Spanish! I’m looking forward to seeing how I’ll look, and sound, speaking in fluent Spanish. In the past, hundreds of thousands of people in Latin America have watched these SRL online conferences. I’m very grateful for the opportunity.
Your pastor,