Dear HLPC family,
The officers of HLPC met last night. As is our custom, the Elders and Deacons met together and then separated into our respective meetings–all the while social distancing, I will add. We all heard an encouraging report from our bookkeeper, Heather Collins.
I’m pleased to report God has provided and blessed HLPC through the giving of His people. While our giving is a bit down over the COVID months, we are in sound shape. For that we give God thanks and praise! We thank Him that He has put in the hearts and minds of our congregation to continue to support our worship and work. You need to know that we have added another missionary family, Ben and Shanna Wright with Wycliffe Bible Translators. The Wrights are doing vital work for the spread of the gospel. Though Ben was only here 6 months back in 2011, he became one of us. I’m so glad HLPC can partner with them in this work.
I was talking to fellow pastor, Clif Wilcox, this morning. I remarked to him how much this feels like a re-start of ministry in a lot of ways. For example, how and when will we do children’s ministry or even nursery? Please pray for us as we try to move forward.
In that light, I commend to you this article entitled “Prioritize Church, Even When There’s No Childcare.” You can find that article HERE.
Lastly, please join us tonight at 7PM via Facebook Live as we continue our study of “Consider Jesus.”
Your Pastor,