The Blessing of Thankfulness June 24, 2020

Dear HLPC family,

One of the things I’m trying to do a better job of is being thankful each day.  The Lord convicted me that I spend so much time asking for things and little time thanking Him and thus missing out on seeing how He is at work.  I must say, it’s been an encouragement to spend time considering how God has been at work in me, in my family, and in our church.  In a time in which there’s obviously so much to cry out to God for His mercy and intervention, it’s a help to remember His goodness that’s on display as well.

Please be praying for our HLPC Task Force and for our Elders as we continue to evaluate what makes our worship both safe and accessible for most in the days ahead.  Thank you for your grace, patience, and flexibility in these unusual days.  I don’t recall a class in seminary entitled “Pastoring in Pandemics.”  That one got left out of the curriculum for some strange reason.  Go figure.

Tonight, we will have our last “Psalms for the Stressed” study before taking a break from Wednesday night online Bible study for the month of July.  I hope you’ll make a special effort to join us at 7PM on Facebook Live as we look at Psalm 8.

Lastly, please let me know if you’d like to be a part of our “Intro to HLPC” class conducted via Zoom this Saturday from 9:30 to noon.  Email me your interest at .  This class does not obligate you to join but is for those who have interest in joining.

Your Pastor,
