PCA General Assembly

Dear HLPC family,

Next week, June 28 through July 2, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) General Assembly will meet in St. Louis, Missouri.  The General Assembly is our annual denominational gathering.  Last year due to COVID the General Assembly was postponed so there is two years’ worth of business before us.

The General Assembly functions like a giant meeting of congress, as the elected Moderator leads the proceedings using Robert’s Rules of Order.  This means that motions are made and seconded; these motions are then debated–sometimes vigorously.  At the Assembly reports are heard from the ministries and agencies of the PCA like RUF, Mission to the World, and Mission to North America.  Presbyteries and churches will overture the Assembly to take certain actions or to change aspects of the Book of Church Order, which is part of our church constitution.   Also, the Assembly will hear from or establish study committees on various questions and issues to offer wisdom to the PCA at large.

This year, Pastor Clif and I will both be attending. Clif will be there to represent Bent Tree, the ministry to pastors with which he serves, which is under the umbrella of Mission to North America.  I will serve as one of the recording clerks again this year.  I will help take the minutes of the meetings.  It certainly helps me pay attention to what is going on!

Please be praying for this year’s General Assembly.  Pray for God’s peace to rule and reign and that His name is brought glory through the debates and decisions that take place.  Let’s pray for the doctrinal soundness, effective ministry, and health of the PCA, the expression of Christ’s church to which we belong.

Your Pastor,
