First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
I Timothy 2:1-2 (ESV)
Dear HLPC family,
It’s easy to stay frustrated with leaders at every level and in some seasons of life more so than others. God’s Word is plain regarding one thing: we need to pray for those He has sovereignly placed over us. His word even tells us why we ought to pray this way—so that we can lead lives that bring Him glory.
The “why” also gives us a picture of the “how” we should pray. We should pray that those in authority over us make decisions that allow us to live out our faith in Jesus Christ freely and peacefully. We should pray that our governing authorities foster righteous living, not just among believers, but among all people. Romans 13 tells us that God has delegated authority to leaders to promote what is good (see Romans 13:1-7). Sadly, we live in times in which we are seeing policy that does the opposite. In regard to the lives of the unborn and in matters related to marriage and sexuality, we see more and more policies advocated that run counter to the Scriptures. We should pray that our leaders seek to do what honors God the most. May God turn their hearts even as He would turn the course of a stream! (see Proverbs 21:1)
The Apostle Paul also tells Timothy in 1 Timothy 2 that God desires that all men come to repentance. I believe this is a proclamation about God’s heart more so than His decreed will. It tells us that God’s mercy knows no limits, no bounds. If it were a statement about God’s decreed will, none would be ever be lost. I think this says that even the most hard-hearted and self-centered person or leader is able, by the sovereign grace and mercy of God, to come to faith and repentance. Paul himself is an example of this! This is another “how” of prayer. We should pray that leaders who do not know and trust Christ come to a saving knowledge of Him.
When you find yourself frustrated, angry, disappointed, or worried about those in governance—should pray. Pray for your leaders at every level. God wants us to!
Your Pastor,