Prayer for Believers in Ukraine

Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

Psalm 91:14-15 (ESV)

Dear HLPC family,

I was reading the passage above Tuesday morning and my thoughts immediately went to Bob and Andrea Burnham (missionaries HLPC supports), other PCA Mission to the World (MTW) missionaries in Ukraine,  and brothers and sisters in Christ who are there.  The crisis in Ukraine is very real and very sobering.  Our missionaries are coping with a war zone and trying to minister to many in need, not to mention trying to minister to their own families.   They are overwhelmed and being stretched to their limits.  I’ve been participating in regular, daily updates from MTW which has even given me an opportunity to interact briefly with the Burnhams.  The PCA has had a strong ministry presence in Ukraine since the early 90’s.  Tieman Slagh, Connie, and I have been to Ukraine and seen some of that work first hand.

What should we do in these times?  We should pray.  Let’s put into practice some of what we learned from Dr. Guy Richard this past Sunday.  Let’s gather as the family of God this Sunday at 5:30PM in the church sanctuary for a time of prayer for Ukraine and for our missionaries over there, especially the Burnhams.   Please don’t let the worry of being asked to pray out loud stop you from coming.  No one will put you on the spot to do so, I assure you.  Some will be leading us, and you will be encouraged to pray along silently.

In addition, we are asking our church family to consider giving to a special fund this Sunday called the Ukraine Crisis Church Fund.  The resources needed to help with refugees and the displaced is and will be enormous.  You can give online now, if you wish, by going to

Your Pastor,
