Reasons to be Thankful


I have a lot of reasons to be thankful…


  • I’m grateful for gifted leaders at HLPC. Right now Tieman Slagh continues to serve our church well by offering an excellent School of Discipleship series on 2 Peter. If you’ve not made it to enjoy this series, I hope you’ll come this week.   Tim Bailey served us quite well by preaching for us this past Sunday. He and Michael Collins have provided great pulpit ministry for us. Other leaders, our elders and deacons, continue to do other “behind the scenes” service on our behalf. What a blessing for us as a church!
  • I’m grateful for the part of the country in which we live. Though we sometimes get frustrated with “Bible Belt Christianity” it is also a blessing. This past weekend I was in Connecticut for a family wedding. One of the realities of New England is the scarcity of Bible believing congregations. Property values also make it very hard for new churches to have their own facility. We, at HLPC, are blessed with a great place to live, meet, and worship.
  • I’m grateful for the church at large. This past Sunday we worshipped in a PCA church in Greenwich, CT called Grace Church of Greenwich . This faithful congregation, though small, is seeking to provide a gospel witness in that part of the country. It was a joy to worship with them.
  • I’m grateful for safety in travel. We flew into New York City, rented a car, and then drove into Connecticut. I was a nervous wreck about driving up there. However, years of Atlanta traffic proved to be a great tutor for NYC driving! I’m very thankful God was gracious to my family as we used planes, trains, and automobiles.