One of the books I read over my Sabbatical and one that I now list as one of the most helpful I’ve read in some time is the book Rediscovering Humility: Why the Way Up is Down written by Christopher A. Hutchinson. Chris is someone I’ve known for some time and this is his first book. I’ve encouraged him that I hope it isn’t his last. Chris says this is a book that has been on his heart for some time and it shows.
I found this book not so much to be convicting (which it is at needed points) as it was encouraging. The pursuit of humility is actually freeing. Humility is what frees you to drop the burden of building your own reputation and to seek first the kingdom of heaven and God’s glory.
Chris weaves sound biblical teaching on the subject with plenty of personal application- many illustrations coming from his own life and ministry. He skillfully shows what we know to be true but need help remembering- that humility is at the heart of the Christian life. The Lord Jesus embodies humility truly as the incarnation its penultimate picture. To grow in Christlikeness means we should grow in Biblical humility.
Another strength of this book is that Chris not only makes personal applications but also applies it to churches. He asks the penetrating question, “What do humble churches look like?” Chris then answers the question in this way, “A humble church is a dependent church, trusting God alone to bless its simple efforts, so that when they prosper, they know it was only by His hand” (p.135).
This is a book I plan to reread and seek, by God’s grace, to apply in my own life. I hope many of you will consider reading this book as well. Look for copies you can purchase on the church bookshelf or feel free to order a copy. You can click HERE to do so.