But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
Jeremiah 29:7
The recent events in our community are disturbing to say the least. Two recent armed robberies have resulted in two deaths. In addition, two restaurants that are within miles of the church were robbed Tuesday morning. We’re not used that here in Houston County, by and large.
I’ll admit that I have grown used to a calm, quiet community. These events are worrisome. I’ll also admit to you that I like Houston County and like living here. No, it’s not glamorous, and no, it isn’t surrounded by awe inspiring scenery but it is a special place to live. If you don’t care for our community- that’s fine- just keep your opinions to yourself, please!
But if you’re reading this right now, it most likely means God has put you here, even temporarily. You and I need to care for our community and care about what is hurting it. God told His people in exile to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile” in Jeremiah 29: 7. Houston County, really this world itself, is not our true home. If we are God’s covenant people by faith in Jesus Christ, we’re made for His kingdom. That said, we likewise should seek the welfare of our city where He has put us.
How do we that in this moment? Let’s pray for our leaders such as Mayor Randy Toms and Police Chief Brett Evans along with the other police officers in Warner Robins and in the Houston County Sherrif’s department. Let’s pray for wisdom and protection for those who seek to protect us. Let’s pray for the families of those grieving after violent crime. Let’s pray that those who have perpetuated these crimes are brought to justice.
This is our home- even if temporarily. May God use HLPC as His people to be a blessing in some way to a disheartened community. We are reminded through this that we truly live in a fallen world and only God is our refuge. Our trust must ultimately be in Him.