I would say the following are unrelated but they all have to do with HLPC! Please pray, be involved, or be aware as the case may be!
- Easter Week– what we sometimes call “Passion Week” is soon upon us. We will once again have a Maundy Thursday at 7PM. This will be somber in tone as we focus on the suffering and death of our Savior. The service is concluded with the Lord’s Supper. Childcare will be available for children 3 and under. Easter Sunday will be our celebration of the resurrection at 10:30AM. This is preceded by an HLPC tradition, Easter breakfast and egg hunt for children at 9:00. PLEASE be in prayer for these services and for the preaching of the gospel.
- Missions Week– April 19-26 will mean a missions emphasis at HLPC. We will bracket the week with looks at God’s call on us to proclaim the gospel to the nations and we will make special efforts to hear from HLPC missionaries- several via modern technology. Our MidWeek gathering will have an international flair for the meal! Saturday, April 25th we will have a men’s breakfast here at the church and Rev. Clif Wilcox, church planter in Pensacola who receives HLPC support, will preach. (He’s probably best known as Katie White’s Dad).
- VBS ’15– We need all hands on deck June 1-5! This is a great ministry to HLPC kids and to kids of our community! PLEASE sign up at the welcome desk so you can help. We have a wide variety of options for service.
- HLPC Website– we’ve done some changes and updates to the website. Please check it out at houstonlakepres.org .
- Coming soon… educational building update– we have some dramatic news on its way regarding our additional education space! Look for a special e-mail in the next day or two!