From time to time I like to share some of the internet resources I enjoy that benefit my walk with Christ. There are many more than these, but these are on the top of my list. Each has an imbedded link for you:
Ligonier Ministries– This is the teaching ministry founded by R.C. Sproul that includes a group of great teachers/preachers. They produce a wealth of great material and conferences.
RefNet– this is the online radio station of Ligonier Ministries. They have a great selection of speakers, messages, music, and Scripture reading. You can listen online or through an app on your smartphones.
ScriptureTyper– this is a great online tool and app to aid in Scripture memory.
RTS iTunesU– you can enjoy a number of seminary courses for FREE. This makes for great listening on your commute.
Have you discovered the wonderful world of podcasts? Think on demand radio broadcasts. Here are some of my favorites:
White Horse Inn– Michael Scott Horton and guests discuss a wide range of theological issues.
Truth for Life– Alistair Begg’s teaching/preaching ministry. Alistair is one of my favorite preachers.
The Briefing– Al Mohler gives daily insight on the news and events of the day from a Christian worldview perspective. Always informative.
Today In Perspective– this is a daily 10 minute podcast by Harry Reeder that discusses current events and issues. Harry is very sound and Biblical in his analysis of current events.
Renewing Your Mind– the daily teaching of R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Always excellent.
The World and Everything In It– this is the daily podcast of World Magazine. Think National Public Radio from a Christian perspective. May require a subscription which is well worth it