Suggested Resources

This past Sunday we considered Romans 1:24-32. That passage speaks about the consequences of our idolatry in the removal of God’s hand of restraint. This impacts all of life. No one is left unscathed in that passage. We further considered how we as the Church need to be an effective witness for the gospel in the times we now face. We noted that those verses constitute what is perhaps the most controversial passage in the Bible for our culture today.


As a follow up, I wanted to share some of the resources that were mentioned in this past Sunday’s sermon along with another recommendation. Links are provided.


The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosario Champagne Butterfield- this is Rosario’s testimony of how she came to faith in Christ while she was a tenured professor at Syracuse University teaching homosexual studies.   Very compelling and hard to put down.


Openness Unhindered by Rosario Champagne Butterfield- this is the follow up to her first book and explores sexual identity versus our identity in Christ which is what should define any believer. Great theological insights.


Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Allberry- this book presents the Biblical view on homosexual practice and offers wise counsel on how to minister to gay friends and family.


What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung- DeYoung gives a thorough look at Biblical sexuality and a defense of is what is now labelled as “traditional” marriage. Very pastoral.