Summer is . . . Gone?

As many of you can attest, July 4th used to signal merely the midpoint, if that, of summer. The start of school in the fall seemed to fall right around Labor Day. Those days seem long gone. Schools are now starting back the first of August or even late July. I know I’m depressing our teachers and students right now.
Summer is flying by. We’re reminded that the one thing we can’t stop is time. It just keeps moving. Seasons change, the calendar flips, and we look back and say, “Where has the time gone?”
Psalm 90:12 reads, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (ESV). Time is one thing that is in limited supply for each of us. The Psalmist prays that God would grant him the grace to use his time wisely.
I don’t think this means that the Christian is only able to use time for worship, Bible study, prayer, work, eating and sleeping- and in that order. We need to realize that all good gifts are from Him. There is a time and season for everything, to borrow from Ecclesiastes. This includes leisure, recreation, rest, and fun. But all of life needs perspective and balance. Balance means giving appropriate time to everything. Some let vacation or recreation take priority over worship. On the other side, some think it’s unspiritual to ever take a vacation. Let us enjoy all of God’s good gifts, including rest and summer vacation. In the Old Testament, God designed life for Israel to include several weeks of forced rest and recreation through the feast days He ordained for them. He still desires that we take one day in seven to worship and to rest.
Summer’s days are fading fast. Let’s make the most of all the days and moments God has given us. Let’s pray to use our time wisely- making time for worship and rest, Bible study and work, prayer and play. We can and should enjoy all these things to the glory of God.