I was recently encouraged by reading an article posted on the Christianity Today website: “Fox News” Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower”. In the article, Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers describes how God pursued her and drew her into a relationship with Himself. God greatly used the ministry of Tim Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Manhattan.
Kirsten describes her journey from atheism to faith. In my current studies of C.S. Lewis, I couldn’t help but be reminded of his conversion as I read Kirsten’s story. Both described how God found them. Their stories drip with God’s relentless mercy and grace. Lewis, in his own words, was a “most reluctant” convert.
Kirsten’s story made me long to see her story repeated here at HLPC. I know we’re no Manhattan and you don’t regularly get Tim Keller level of preaching, but the same gospel is at work here, the same Word is preached, and the same Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of His people.
I hope you’ll read this article and think of the “Kirstens” that may be in your neighborhood, workplace, or even your family. Are you praying for them? Are you willing to build relationships with them? Are you inviting them to hear the gospel preached? One reason I’ve been leading a study on Wednesday nights on “Answers to Objections to Christianity” is so that we’ll be better equipped to respond to questions such folk are asking.
I’m thankful for Kirsten’s faith and her boldness to write that article. I’m thankful that God pursues sinners- even the most reluctant and resistant. Kirsten said no one was more surprised by her coming to faith than herself. I think that’s the words of someone who understands the gospel. When we understand the nature of the human heart apart from God’s grace, we should all be so astonished.
You can read the article here: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/november/fox-news-highly-reluctant-jesus-follower-kirsten-powers.html