Sadly, more and more in our culture are totally absent from the church and church life. I believe it is, in many respects, a “post-Christian” culture. As we noted in a recent sermon in Romans 11 that what we see happening in Europe, spiritually speaking, seems to be on our horizon.
That said, by God’s grace, we are not there yet! Many in our culture still have a sense that there are certain occasions that are made more special or traditional by attending a worship service. One of those occasions is just around the corner.
Of course, I’m speaking about Easter. Let me encourage you to be prayerfully thinking about someone you might invite to worship with us on Easter Sunday, April 16th at 10:30AM. We will also enjoy a wonderful Easter Breakfast at 9AM and egg hunt for kids 10 and under at 9:45AM. This a great opportunity to welcome the unchurched into our midst and present to them the gospel of God’s grace.
In addition, why not invite friends to our Maundy Thursday service at 7PM on April 13th? This has become a wonderful tradition for us here at HLPC and serves to prepare us well for celebrating the resurrection. Borrowing elements from a Tenebrae service, we will remember the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus. Scripture reading along with special music will be a part of our worship as well as a brief message and the Lord’s Supper. Leaving in pensive silence, we will gather again on Easter Sunday with anticipation as we rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection!
Please be praying for these opportunities for remembrance, worship, and outreach. Please pray that the gospel will be presented clearly and powerfully and that God will use His Word to draw sinners to faith and repentance.