Thank You!

On behalf of Connie and our family, I would like to thank the HLPC church family for their expressions of love and encouragement we received this past Sunday as part of Pastor Appreciation Month. As I said from the pulpit, HLPC doesn’t need a designated month as you are always gracious and kind toward us. It is a privilege and a blessing to serve as one of the pastors of this church.

As I give thanks to you I also give thanks FOR you. God has been good as He has blessed HLPC in tremendous ways. We have leaders, in our Elders and Deacons, who are faithful and godly. We have people who love the Lord and are willing to serve and give. We have a great church family of all ages and stages of life. We have a great staff in our Assistant Pastor, Randy, and our very capable administrative assistant, Kathy Tufts.

In addition to our people, we have been blessed with wonderful facilities that give us great space for worship and ministry. The new building is already being put to excellent use by our youth and children. I could go on and on.

We are certainly not a perfect church and there are a variety of struggles and challenges we face.   Some, I’m sure, are yet to be faced. Let us be reminded that we serve a faithful, sovereign, and gracious God. Your expressions of encouragement were a vivid reminder to me of that reality.