Thank Yous and News

Some thank yous are in order…

• Thanks be to God for a great Sunday afternoon and for the overcast skies that gave us cooler temperatures. Thanks be to God who is the ultimate source of our resources by which His people can be generous and cheerful givers.
• Thank you to all who prayed for and came to our playground celebration this past Sunday. Our intent was not only to celebrate God’s goodness to us but also to welcome our neighbors and reach out to them. Thank you for coming!
• Thank you to those of you who came early and helped set up and serve. Thanks especially to Brandon Turner, who was our grill master that afternoon. Thanks to those of you who helped clean up.
• Thank you to those who generously gave toward the new playground!
• Thank you to the Kirkpatricks who created the nice sign we have by the playground that welcomes guests.
• Thank you to those who generously gave toward our new piano! We enjoyed its debut this past Lord’s Day during worship. Thanks as well to the men who moved the old piano into the other building.

Now, here is some news from the latest meeting of the Elders…

Monday night the Elders and Deacons held their respective meetings. After meeting jointly to hear a church financial report and discuss other matters of mutual concern, the Elders met separately. In Presbyterian tradition, when the Elders meet together it is referred to as the “Session.” Our officers normally meet the third Monday of the month (aside from December and July). You are encouraged to share concerns and prayer requests with the Elders prior to that meeting or at any time. Here are some of the highlights:

• The Elders were updated on the recent meeting of Central Georgia Presbytery which met at Lake Oconee PCA in Eatonton.
• Materials for use in study and discipleship for youth, women, and adults were approved.
• Our Missions Week date was set for January 6-13, 2019. On Sunday, January 13, Brett Barbee, the new pastor of Strong Tower Fellowship, will be our speaker.
• The Session approved the New City Catechism for occasional use as a means to confess our faith in worship services. You can find more information about this useful tool for church and home at
• Approval of this catechism led to a fruitful discussion of various elements of our worship service. No actions were taken.
• The meeting was closed in prayer as the entire Session prayed for various needs of the congregation of HLPC.