Thankful for a Stable Church

Dear HLPC family,

As I sit to write you this Pastor’s Pen, I honestly find myself very weary.  It’s been a physically and emotionally demanding few weeks here at our church for many of us.  The past few days have had me reflective on the history of HLPC.

The Lord has been very good and gracious to us in what is a relatively short history.  You may be tired of hearing me say that but it’s true and He deserves our praise and thanks.  The Lord laid the foundation of this church with great leadership and continues to send us vibrant, godly people with a heart for the Lord and for each other.  This doesn’t mean we haven’t faced difficult moments- they have and continue to come- but the Lord sustains us.

Having a stable church is not something to ever take for granted.  First, we need to plead with the Lord to preserve the peace and the purity of the church.  In my time on the Standing Judicial Commission of the PCA, I’ve seen firsthand how fragile churches are.  The Evil One would love nothing more than to sow seeds of discord among us. Second, we need to pray that He would make us a spiritually healthy church.  We’ve used CREW as an acronym to help us know how to pray. We pray He would make us a Caring, Reaching, Equipping, and Worshipping congregation.  Those prayer targets are as needful today as they have ever been.

The Lord is good and His steadfast love endures forever.  Let us praise Him for it!

Your Pastor,
