Last Thursday through Saturday, Connie and I had the opportunity to attend the excellent Ligonier National Conference in Orlando, FL. We were joined there by Philip and Megan Korman from HLPC. There were close to 5,000 in attendance and the conference was held at the First Baptist Church of Orlando. The theme of the messages was on “Awakening” as we considered God’s work of renewal in our hearts and in his church.
We were able to hear such speakers as Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Thomas, Kevin DeYoung, Al Mohler, Steve Lawson, Joni-Eareckson Tada, Robert Godfrey, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, and Miguel Nunez. As Connie put it, it was like drinking out of a firehose. I’m still processing what we heard. As a pastor, it is very good for me to be able to be taught and sit under such excellent and gifted speakers. It’s something I need as it benefits me in so many ways. Ligonier has the videos of the messages posted right now on their web site at
One of the things I also enjoy, in addition to the messages, is the Ligonier Ministries bookstore. They have a great selection and offer good deals. I came home with several good books to read and even was able to get a couple of my books signed by the author!
From now until this Saturday (March 17) you can pre-register at a significantly reduced rate ($129) for next year’s conference to be held March 14-16, 2019. I highly encourage you to consider doing so. Connie and I have already registered. The speaker lineup looks great. I’d love to experience this conference with many of you next year. Just go to .