Dear HLPC family,
Thank you very much for your prayers for my week of ministry in Santiago, Chile teaching a course on the book of Ephesians. The Lord was very kind to me to give me uneventful and safe travel along with a great week of teaching and making new friends. The support staff with Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (SRL) in Santiago were very attentive to me. I was overwhelmed by their hospitality. I’m not only thankful for safety but also that I didn’t get sick on this trip. I experienced the Chilean winter while far on the other side of the equator. The change in temperature was quite welcome. Though if I had gotten sick, I noticed the pharmacy “Cruz Verde” (Green Cross) was EVERYWHERE. We make jokes about how prolific Dollar General is here in the United States. Well, Cruz Verde dwarfs that chain. I saw stores within a couple of blocks of one another.
One of the great blessings I have received in my life is the opportunity to worship with other believers in other countries. Every time I’ve been able to gather in Lord’s Day worship and hear praises being sung in other languages, I’m brought nearly to tears. God’s plan to “bless the nations” through His gracious covenant with Abraham in the sending of His Son has been made a reality! This past Sunday, I had that unique blessing after I taught in the Bible study hour of the SRL host church, Iglesia Bautista Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace Baptist Church). Pastor Alex Figuerora and his church were kind and thoughtful hosts this past week. One highlight from Sunday was the 5-year-old little girl who just wanted me to speak English so she could hear me talk and then wanted her picture taken with me. My 15 minutes of fame was used up in Chile, I believe.
Thankful to be back home, I am…
Your Pastor,