For their sake He remembered his covenant,
and relented according to the abundance of his steadfast love.
Psalm 106:45 (ESV)
Dear HLPC family,
Psalm 106 recounts for us the ways in which God has blessed and provided for His people. Why would he do this? Verse 45 tells us why- because He remembers His covenant.
There’s a lot in Scripture about God’s memory. He remembers promises- that is He purposes never to go back against His word. He also chooses to forget our sins and trespasses. This doesn’t mean that God’s memory gets wiped like a computer hard drive, but that He chooses not to hold our sins against us. We praise Him for what He remembers and for what He forgets!
It’s because He remembered His covenant promises that we celebrate the birth of Jesus this time of year. As we saw just this past Sunday, Mary praises God in Luke 1 that “He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” God remembers His covenant and His covenant people! He fulfilled His promise to crush the head of the serpent in sending His Son to be born in the manger of Bethlehem.
One last thing- notice that His covenant entails His committed, covenant love- His “steadfast love,” His hesed. There’s our favorite Hebrew word again! It’s love for us that He has in abundance!
We’ll consider that love tonight in our study of our adoption into God’s family at 7PM in our HLPC MidWeek Study. There will be no in person study here at the church so please join us through Facebook Live. Go to the church Facebook page at
Your Pastor,