Dear HLPC family,
This morning I woke up very early and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m sure it was the combined stress and concern with COVID in our community and at home, along with the direction of our country right now. What I was feeling was a mixture of discouragement and frustration–even anger to be honest. I’m sure many of you can fully identify.
I knew I needed to turn to God’s Word and so I did. As it has so many times during the past few months, the Scriptures gave me perspective. My daily reading took me to Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount. There the priorities of the believer are found. By God’s grace we need to be a salt and light to a world in darkness. Then I turned to the Psalms. Once again, I read of the need to put my hope in the steadfast love of the Lord. I was helped. If you’re discouraged this morning know that you’re not alone and you do have help. Let God’s Word be the voice of calm and comfort to you. Our God reigns. Let’s believe it. Let’s seek Him. Let’s turn worry and stress into prayer.
As you are aware, this is cold and flu season which has ramped up COVID spread in many places. We want to urge those of our congregation, particularly our seniors, to exercise common sense caution in these days. Please remember that the livestream of weekly worship is available for you if you feel more comfortable worshipping at home right now.
Also, the Session has decided that we will postpone resuming School of Discipleship until February. We will continue to offer in person worship at 10:30 a.m. while we also encourage continued safe practices such as spacing out, hand washing, and designated mask-required seating areas for those who desire it. Please be mindful of those areas and respect the wishes of those seated there.
Connie and I were tested yesterday for COVID and since two of our sons tested positive, we will not be in worship this week, January 10th. We can look forward to hearing Clif Wilcox preach for us once again! Connie is experiencing some symptoms right now while I’m feeling ok. Thank you so much for your prayers and for checking in on us!
May God grant us as a Church, as His people, and our nation as whole much undeserved mercy and grace in these days.
Your Pastor,