Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
Dear HLPC family,
In the earliest days of HLPC, the passage above was one I prayed regularly back to the Lord. I knew that unless the Lord was in this work, unless He moved by His Holy Spirit, our efforts to start and build a new work here were useless. God answered and established this expression of His Church.
It hit me this morning that where we are in this pandemic feels like starting over in many ways. We are having to re-think everything we’re doing as a church. Certainly, our worship has had a makeover. We’ve moved from livestreaming to outdoors to indoors with certain precautions taken. We’ve not had School of Discipleship or a nursery since March. We are in the process of having to think out of the box on how we can step up our ministry to all ages. What will that look like in the immediate future? What can we do as a church to minister to our children in this season of life?
I’ll admit it’s overwhelming. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and grace to move forward. Pray that the Lord builds this house, His Church at HLPC. Please pray that we continue to balance effective ministry with reasonable safety precautions. For HLPC to move forward we need much help. We need effective leadership and servant hearts. Perhaps God can give us all a renewed vision of the church as a body in which we see each member’s gifts as vitally important. Perhaps He will help us to be, not so much consumers, but contributors to building Christ’s kingdom through this church.
We know God can work all things for our good and His glory. May He give us grace to see it happen.
One more thing, I hope you’ll make time to join us via Facebook Live tonight at 7PM for our study of Christology we’re calling “Consider Jesus.” See you then!
Your Pastor,