Upcoming Changes, May 1, 2024

Dear HLPC family,

A few things today:

Connie and I are overwhelmed by the kind encouragement and generosity of our Elders and the church in regard to the Sabbatical we are taking in July and August.  As part of our time away—which  will include lots of reading and the auditing of a Doctor of Ministry course at RTS Orlando–(a free benefit of having received a DMin degree from RTS) we have planned a trip that will take us to the United Kingdom.   Among other things to see, we would like to visit Oxford and the former home of C.S. Lewis known as “the Kilns”–a definite “bucket list” item!   In addition, we plan to get to Scotland, land of John Knox, and see some of the historical sites dear to us Presbyterians!  We are very, very grateful for this time of travel and to be rejuvenated. 

Jessica Fuqua has been serving HLPC as our nursery coordinator. She has done a great job and has served us extremely well in a critical position of need for the church.  She is stepping aside due to other responsibilities she is taking on right now.  Please join me in thanking her for a job very well done!

I’m pleased to announce that Tish Roberts will be taking on this role!  She will be assisted by Laura Duvall.  Caring for the youngest of our church family is a great responsibility.  We are thankful to the Lord for providing the needed help in this area of Ministry so we can continue to have a safe place for our children.  Please see a note from Tish below.

VBS is just around the corner, June 3-7!  You can register your kids now!  Please consider how you might be involved in this great week of ministry to the children of our church and community.  You can find more info below. 

This Sunday we will get to hear from a local representative of the Gideon International organization.  As you know, this group has long been committed to Scripture distribution.  Please come prepared to give to this work if you desire.

Your Pastor,
