Dear HLPC family,
Last week, Connie and I took some time to be with our family on a week of vacation. My parents were able to join us making it an extra special trip. I was glad that Tim Grider, RUF Campus Minister at Columbus State University, was able to fill the pulpit and preach for us.
As you are aware next week, June 5-9, is Vacation Bible School. Once again, we are using a curriculum developed by Answers in Genesis that will focus on the armor of God we find described in Ephesians 6:10-20. Our theme is “Keepers of the Kingdom: Standing Strong in Today’s Battle for Truth.” I hope you’ll be praying for all the children, as well as volunteers, for a great week. Let’s pray that children come to know and trust Jesus as Savior and grow in their faith in Him and confidence in God’s truth given to us in His Word. Please pray as well for a safe, fun, peaceful week for all.
I look forward to our time back in the book of Exodus this coming Lord’s Day!
Your Pastor,