This past Sunday after our AWOL gathering I reviewed our purpose and desires as a church. We’ve come to call that “getting re-blued” – borrowing from an Air Force expression that describes recommitting yourself to an Air Force way of doing things. In our case, it’s an opportunity to get recommitted to the HLPC way.
I encouraged those who were there to join me in praying this prayer: “Lord, please give me grace to love Jesus more and to love what He loves.” I truly believe that when God works that in us, it will change us, our families, and our ministry here at HLPC. I also shared that the HLPC officers took a hard look at our ministry at the recent officer gathering on March 2nd. We thanked God for the good things He has done and is doing and acknowledged the things that need to change or improve. We committed to praying for a month and in order to regroup on Saturday, April 6th to consider a path forward.
Will you please pray for HLPC and for this officer gathering in April? Will you be willing to come together Sunday night, March 31st, for a time of prayer for HLPC other needs? As I mentioned last Sunday, one area of growth for us is corporate prayer. Let’s come together and pray.
On a personal note, my family and I are attending the Ligonier National Conference this week in Orlando, FL. Connie and I really enjoy this conference and are happy to take Stephen and Matthew with us. I would love to have folk from HLPC join us in the future. It’s always in March and has excellent teachers and a fantastic book store! We will be back Saturday. If you go to you should be able to watch video of the teaching sessions during the week.