Dear HLPC Family,
This congregation has not been unfamiliar with grieving as of late. Even my own community up north, the Mid-America Reformed Seminary community, has been visited by sorrow, grief, and mourning in the past months, and again very acutely in the past few days as the Lord has been pleased to summon two more of his saints from our community to the everlasting home prepared for them. In our flesh, we seek and long for answers in these types of seasons and might be tempted to seek those answers in other places, no matter how well-intentioned that seeking may be.
Yet, we’re reminded in Deuteronomy 32:44-47 that life is found in God’s Word. Our Lord, speaking through Moses to the old covenant people, instructs us that His Word is not empty but full of life (v. 47b). And it’s by this Word that we live (v. 47c). His Word is God’s testimony to us concerning the Christ, the enfleshed Word, who is life and truth (John. 1:4, 14). And by God’s grace, we’re in union with Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Holy Spirit, to the great praise and glory of God.
So, brothers and sisters, we know and trust our Lord to be good and One who does what is right (Genesis. 18:25). When we’re tempted to look elsewhere for comfort and understanding, let’s turn to the Lord and His Word. It’s there we’ll find a peace and a comfort that the world, in all its sin and misery, is unable to comprehend. Let’s pray over that Word, letting it inform and guide our prayers. And let’s pray that Word over each other in this particular expression of His body, in this particular and providential season at HLPC.
In Christ’s Service,
(Summer Intern)