Worship with the Whole Heart

Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Psalm 111:1 (ESV)

Psalm 111 was part of my Scripture reading this morning. I was helped and encouraged by this Psalm. It is a great reminder of what worship is. I was instructed by even just the first verse of this Psalm.
First, worship is acknowledging God’s goodness and blessing with gratitude. The psalmist gives God thanks. He remembers who God is and what He has done. God is the Creator and sustainer of life. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him (James 1:17). More than that, God is our Redeemer. Through the work of His Son sin’s penalty and power are broken. We live in freedom as the sons and daughters of the King (John 1:12).
Second, worship involves our whole selves as it is with the “whole heart.” Worship is to engage all of us- mind, will, and emotion. Yes, we can just go through the motions if we’re not careful but worship is to involve all of us. This is why preparation can start Saturday night with a decent night’s sleep. We come to be engaged in worship and not just sit and watch.
Third, worship is to be corporate. The Psalmist gathers with “in the congregation.” Yes, we can and should worship God all the time on our own but there is a calling for Christians to be together (Hebrews 10:24-25). We need time to be encouraged as we worship together. The church is to be a family for us and families need get-togethers. God graciously carves out such a gathering for us weekly on the first day of the week- the Lord’s Day. It should be a blessing to all of us and when we’re not there, the family misses you.
After two weeks away from HLPC, I look forward to being back with my church family in worship this Sunday. Lord willing, I hope to see you there!