Your Kids Need Kids’ Quest!

Families are busy, busy, busy these days. Along with academics there are a myriad of activities for them to pursue: dance, music, athletics, and others. This leaves many families gasping for breath wondering what day of the week it is!

Let me encourage you to consider of primary importance the spiritual health of your children. My fear is that our kid’s spiritual lives seem to take 3rd or 4th place in the lives of many families. Academics and athletics grab the top spots.

My first and foremost application is don’t neglect Lord’s Day worship. That is priority #1. If you communicate to your kids that worship is important, as long as it doesn’t interfere with other events, then don’t be surprised when they carry that on in to their young adult lives.

Secondly, please consider our Wednesday night Kid’s Quest Catechism Club. I assure you, we are not looking for another way to make your lives busier. We, instead, see tremendous value in having our children learn the catechism.

The Greek word for “teach” is katecheo. From that word, we get the term “catechism.” A catechism is a teaching tool, a series of questions and answers that articulates Biblical truth. When your kids learn the catechism it helps ground them in the truth of Scripture and gives them structure and categories for understanding their faith. If their faith has no content then it will make it much easier to sway them away from it.

Jennie Scoggins has a heart for this ministry and works hard, along with her able helpers, to make Wednesday nights fun as well as spiritually edifying for our kids. Kids K4- 6th grade are welcome. We also welcome more help- here is a great ministry opportunity for the HLPC family!

We’ve structured Wednesday nights to make it easier for families. Come to a shared meal- no cooking needed-from 5:30-6:15. From 6:30 to 7:30 is Kid’s Quest. During that time we also have our Wednesday night Women of the Word study, and the Pastor’s Study & Prayer. You can be headed home at 7:30! [The choir will meet at 7:30 so there’s no conflict!]

Please, please consider Kid’s Quest for your kids. I think of Jesus’ words in Mark 8:36, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Put another way, “what does it profit our kids to be busy in every conceivable activity yet are not encouraged to pursue the Lord?” Think about it.