Your Officers at Work

            Last night the Elders and Deacons of HLPC met for their first monthly meeting of 2019.  Our standard practice is to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month.  Due to MLK, Jr. day we met on a Tuesday.  We first gather together in one group before dividing into our respective meetings of Elders and Deacons.  I really like meeting as one group of leaders.  I want it to be reinforced that while we have different areas of responsibility, we all are leaders working side by side. 

            The Deacons in their meeting looked at a wide range of issues.  They work hard to maintain our wonderful facility, keep us focused on staying on budget, and also being aware of mercy ministry needs.  They plan to give a budget and financial presentation in the weeks ahead.  Their meeting was closed in prayer for various needs. 

            The Elders in their meeting reviewed the various ministries of the church.  One ministry we look forward to offering soon is the ministry of GriefShareGriefShare is a ministry that provides help and support in dealing with loss.  It is a support group that provides excellent resources to help people deal with loss and pursue recovery.  More information will be forthcoming.  The Elders closed their meeting praying for various needs of the congregation.