He Who Began a Good Work…

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6 (ESV)

Dear HLPC family,

            On Friday mornings at 7:30AM a gr0up of men and myself meet via Zoom as we have done for the past year.  We have just started reading and discussing the book of Philippians.  In fact, any other men in the church are welcome to join us! 

            We looked together this past Friday at the passage quoted above, Philippians 1:6.  It speaks of God’s gracious work to preserve us that we might persevere in our faith.  Just this morning I was reading in my copy of Jewels from John Newton: Daily Readings from the Works of John Newton.  Today’s entry shared some of his thoughts on this passage. He likened God’s work in us to the building of a large building.  Initially all you can see is the foundation, or maybe the framing and scaffolding.  In other words, you see a mess. But the architect of the building can see in his mind’s eye the finished product.

            God, through Christ, is the architect of our faith.  According to Hebrews 12:2, Jesus is the “founder and perfecter of our faith.”  He’s at work in us.  He will finish what He started.  Philippians 1:6 is a word of great encouragement to us!

            2 quick notes:

  1. Connie and I will be attending the Ligonier Conference in Orlando this week that starts at 9AM Thursday morning.  There will be no 7PM study tonight but there will be a soup and salad supper at the church at 5:30PM as planned!  As a side note, you can watch the livestream of the conference if you wish by going to www.ligonier.org
  2. Please keep praying for the Easter “W’s.” What are they? Easter WORSHIP and WEATHER.  We hope to be outdoors April 4th and have our egg hunt for kids along with donuts and coffee for all.  May God grant us a joyful resurrection celebration on that day.

Your Pastor,
