“A Busy December”

Dear HLPC family,

December is a busy month as we are all aware.  HLPC is certainly a busy place.  Here are some things I want to emphasize strongly this week:

  • THIS Sunday, December 4th, is our Celebration Lunch!  Please bring main and side dishes for our potluck and let’s make it a special meal!  Note that we are planning special cake for the occasion.  Please bring enough food for your family plus one!
  • It’s NOT too late to sign up for one of our 3M Groups.  These groups are for “Marriage Maintenance and Mending.”  These are groups that will meet to watch and discuss the video teaching series on marriage by Dr. Paul Tripp “What Did You Expect?”  Several have already signed up.  These groups will start in January.  Please let the church office know of your interest by following the link:  https://houstonlakepres.breezechms.com/form/0272a94042857830093
  • On Sunday, December 11th, we will have a brief congregational meeting after morning worship for the purpose of electing two new trustees.  As a church we are incorporated, which requires these officers.  Trustees are only needed when the church wants to do something as a legal entity like buy property or take out a mortgage (WHICH WE NO LONGER HAVE, PRAISE GOD!)  Bottom line is that trustees are necessary but very rarely put to use. 

Looking forward to the Second Sunday of Advent and our continued progress in the book of Revelation!

Your Pastor,
