Dear HLPC family,
It’s been great to be back here at HLPC! While getting a break from ministry responsibilities during our Sabbatical was welcome, Connie and I truly missed the church family here. It was a joy to be back in the pulpit and to see you all this past Lord’s Day.
I appreciate so much the work to continue and even improve our ministry while we were away. The Lord has given us great leadership here at HLPC. We’re not a perfect church by any means—those don’t exist—but we are truly a blessed church. This Sunday, I’ll begin Deacon training for our nominees for the office. God has been good to put these potential leaders in our midst!
I want publicly to thank James Galeazzo for his years of faithful service as our Facilities Manager. James poured his heart and soul into serving our church and going the extra mile to keep our church clean and orderly. He’s recently stepped away from that position to give more time to ministry at home. Please join me in thanking James and in thanking the Lord for his service. The Deacons have arranged for church cleaning so we have that covered.
Yesterday the church hosted a meeting of Central Georgia Presbytery. I’m very grateful to the members of the church who gave of their time to serve yesterday. It was a good meeting and one we enjoy hosting.
Looking forward, once again, to worshipping with you this Lord’s Day!
Your Pastor,